HIDIVE, the esteemed anime streaming service under the AMC Networks banner, has just unveiled its latest gem: the fantastical odyssey titled “I Parry Everything!” This gripping saga, replete with action and adventure, will be an exclusive feature of HIDIVE’s Summer 2024 simulcast lineup.
Drawing inspiration from Nabeshiki’s beloved literary works, “I Parry Everything!” marks the pinnacle of Sentai Filmworks’ anime acquisitions from Mainichi Broadcasting System (MBS). Embark on this thrilling journey set in the Kingdom of Clays, where turmoil reigns following an attempt on Princess Lynneburg’s life. As neighboring realms circle like predators, our protagonist, Noor, oblivious to the impending chaos, harbors dreams of becoming an adventurer. Despite possessing seemingly inconsequential talents, such as unparalleled sword-parrying skills, Noor remains undeterred by the challenges that lie ahead.
Join us at Anime Expo 2024 in Los Angeles on July 4th for an exclusive North American premiere of “I Parry Everything!” Episodes 1 & 2. Led by HIDIVE’s President, John Ledford, we eagerly anticipate the launch of this gripping fantasy series, hot on the heels of the wildly successful “My Instant Death Ability Is So Overpowered.”
As the curtain rises on this epic tale, be prepared to witness the resilience of the human spirit and the triumph of perseverance. “I Parry Everything!” promises to captivate audiences with its rich narrative tapestry and dynamic character arcs, ensuring a summer filled with excitement and intrigue.
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