Gravity Rush 2 Delayed, Players Getting Free DLC to Make Up For It



The 4-year project will wait a little longer before it’s released, but being compensated for the wait isn’t too bad!

[dropcap size=small]S[/dropcap]ony has been working on Gravity Rush 2 for quite sometime to extend the story of Kat, a shapeshifter who started out as just a girl who suffered from amnesia. Throughout the first game, she starts to regain her memory and discover her powers.

On a blog post from their website, Playstation apologized for delaying Gravity Rush 2‘s release and will put the DLC pack for the game free of charge. They also said that Gravity Rush 2 will be the conclusion of Kat’s journey, which means it will be the last one that they make. 

The reason for the delay is because they are adjusting aspects of the game that will make online play more enjoyable for as many people as possible. There’s nothing wrong with delaying a game just a little longer if it’s for the right reasons. If Playstation didn’t get the online experience right and gamers were glitching left and right, that would be a bigger problem than a delay of any kind.

The official date for Gravity Rush 2 is January 2o, 2017!


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