Meet the New Overwatch Hero – ‘Support Sniper’ Ana



Overwatch has released a trailer for its upcoming new hero addition, Ana

Overwatch raked in a $269 Million dollar profit in May, and recently released its competitive play mode for its users. Overwatch has crept its way to the top of most downloaded game lists and is sneaking up on League of Legends for most watched game on Twitch. However, its developers over at Blizzard are continuing to find ways to help make this game better. A recent announcement let users know that competitive play will only allow for one of each hero on the team so you don’t face a team of all the same overpowered heroes. This wasn’t the most popular of recent news though.


Check out the trailer for Ana’s gameplay below. 


Blizzard has released footage of Overwatch’s newest character addition, Ana. Ana will be a support character wielding a sniper with some pretty awesome abilities. Although Lúcio, Mercy, and Zenyatta have healing abilities, they oftentimes find themselves in the line of fire of epic gunfights. Ana’s Biotic Rifle allows users to shoot a dart that heals friends and deals damage over time to enemies. Her rifle also sports a sleeping dart for enemies as well. She also sports some pretty nifty Biotic grenades that launch an AOE heal to people on your team and negate healing on the opposing team. Her ultimate empowers a teammate causing them to become some sort of super soldier providing increased damage, movement speed, and damage resistance to nearby allies. Ana is claimed to have a very high difficulty level by developers so she may take some time to master.

She is claimed to come out in an upcoming patch that will also provide some modifications to current characters including Zenyatta and D.Va. Users can currently play Ana in Overwatch PTR, but the release date for the upcoming patch and Ana is TBD.


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