The 30 Seconds to Mars singer is putting on quite a show with his Joker role.
We all remember Heath Ledger’s chilling role as the Joker in Batman: The Dark Knight, and to be quite honest, I didn’t think that anyone could live up to his performance. However, upon catching brief glimpses of Leto’s upcoming role as the Joker in Suicide Squad, there was a shimmer of hope that the Joker role would live on past The Dark Knight. The little bit of hope has fans in a full on frenzy now with the recent release of another snippet of Suicide Squad that focuses solely on Jared Leto’s Joker.
David Ayer calls Leto’s performance “absolutely incredible” claiming that the “world stops…Everything stops. What he’s done is so powerful, so menacing, so palpable, you can feel him.” Personally, I believe Leto brings back the more sinister personality of the Joker he personifies in the comics. His one minute feature is eerie yet compelling and has comic book fans thirsty for more.
 Suicide Squad is just around the corner coming to theaters August 5th.