Who is this mysterious cape-wearing fiend?
Rogue One, the first Star Wars Anthology film, is currently deep into production, meaning we haven’t seen/ heard much...
Hogwarts is not the only school for witchcraft and wizardry!
J.K. Rowling reveals that there are 11 prestigious Wizarding schools worldwide on the Pottermore website,...
Hugh Jackman is making sure that his final Wolverine film does the mutant justice.
Hugh Jackman's days as everyone's favorite mutant are numbered and have been...
Adamantium claws vs katanas? Who wouldn't want to see that?!
Right now, thanks to the excellent marketing strategy for the upcoming film Deadpool, everyone who is...
Ant-Man beat out everyone's expectations for the films, so why not produce a Wasp standalone film?
You would think that after the surprising amount of success...
Eggsy returns!
The spy action comedy Kingsman: The Secret Service was a sleeper success story that took everyone by surprise with its fast-paced action and...
The sequel to one of Harrison Ford's best is finally coming together.
The only real details we knew about Blade Runner 2 until today was that Harrison...
Because why not.
2015 was the year of long-awaited sequels, with Mad Max: Fury Road, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and Jurassic World, among others. Of these...
Sam Smith's theme song for Spectre was lacking, maybe Radiohead's is better? You decide.
There were several problems fans had with the latest James Bond film, whether...