
The best news in one place


Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Zombies Mode Revealed at Comic Con!

Treyarch released the long awaited trailer for the upcoming Call of Duty Zombies mode as well as some key information and special edition products...

Details on Batgirl in the Batman: Arkham Knight DLC Are Revealed

A new Batman:Arkham Knight DLC allows players to play as Batgirl in a set of side missions separate from the normal story line. The new...

Horizon: Zero Dawn Presents a Unique Clash Between the Prehistoric and Futuristic Eras

The upcoming game Playstation game,Horizon: Zero Dawn, displays a world where robotic creatures and machinery fit in normally in a prehistoric nature setting. In a recent gameplay...

An Incredibly Rare Prototype of Nintendo’s Playstation has Been Discovered

Photos of the Nintendo-Sony hybrid have been unearthed, revealing what the Nintendo Play Station looked like. The Nintendo-Sony prototype model was found by a businessman's...

Star Wars Battlefront Alpha Users Violate User Agreement and Upload Gameplay Content

EA has been forced to search the internet for all Star Wars Battlefront content that has been uploaded by Alpha Users. Star Wars Battlefront Alpha...

Check Out Every Video Game Confirmed for 2016

2015 is halfway over with, and while there are plenty of hotly anticipated games coming soon like Star Wars Battlefront and Halo 5: Guardians,...

Destiny’s The Taken King Expansion DLC Specifics Revealed!

Bungie says it's "more than a DLC, it's a game" The latest specifics for Destiny's new DLC expansion "The Taken King" have been revealed by...

Ueda Discusses The Last Guardian’s Connection to Ico, Shadow of the Colossus

The Last Guardian will be taking some key elements from the two beloved PlayStation 2 titles. The Last Guardian will borrow elements from Fumito Ueda's Ico...

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 to Include a New Zombies Mode

A recent Easter Egg release suggests that Black Ops 3 will possess a revamped zombies multiplayer mode. A recent Easter Egg release has suggested a...

Fallout 4 PC Mods are Expected to be Available for the PS4 Eventually

The game director of Fallout 4, Todd Howard, believes that the PC mods will be multi-platform at some point. The creation kit for Fallout 4, a mod,...

Dishonored 2 Officially Announced at E3

After a long three year wait, the sequel to the award winning Dishonored has finally been announced. Dishonored 2 announced for Xbox One, PS4, and PC; watch...

Take a look at the trailer for Dark Souls III that premiered at E3

Dark Souls III makes its appearance at E3 2015. There was little to see about Dark Souls 3, due to the game trailer only showing...

Doom Multiplayer and Mods

Bethesda introduces Snapmap for Doom. It's been a while since the Doom franchise has had a new game released for it's series. The development of...

Shenmue 3 Kickstarter Goal Reached in Less Than 24 Hours

Shenmue 3's Kickstarter reaches its goal of $2 Million and is still gaining support after a reveal at E3. It’s been nearly 20 years since the...

The Walking Dead’s Arguably Most Badass Character Will be Starring in Her Own Game

The next installment in Telltale Game's The Walking Dead franchise has been announced, The Walking Dead: Michonne! The latest addition to the The Walking Dead franchise will not...

Mad Max’s E3 Trailer Will Blow You Away

At E3 this past week Warner Bros. gave everyone a fantastic look at Mad Max with a trailer called Mad Max: Eye of the Storm. There were so...

Batman: Arkham Knight Will Have No Loading Screens

New trailer features a new game mode and new weapons and gadgets for the Batmobile. With only a few weeks until the release of Batman:...

‘Full House’ Gets it’s Very Own GTA 5 Themed Opening Sequence

A YouTuber has made his own version of Full House's opening sequence using the characters from Grand Theft Auto 5, and the result is remarkably well...

E3 – Square Enix Reveals New Kingdom Hearts 3 Footage!

No release dates, no further information, just that it is "in Development". Hey, it's better than nothing.  Shh! Just watch! video courtesy of The footage reveals...

E3 – Sony’s Additional Announcements/Trailers

Take a look at the rest of Sony's Playstation announcements during their show at E3 2015! Destiny: The Taken King Destiny: The Taken King delivers the...