A Sony representative confirmed the price cut is not a temporary offer.
The Last Guardian arrived exclusively on PlayStation 4 on December 6, 2016, but it...
Infinity Ward missed a perfect opportunity to use the Beastie Boys' Sabotage here.
The first DLC for Infinity Warfare's Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is here for...
May your heart be your guiding key.
Kingdom Hearts has always been a fascinating enigma. Although a strange combination of Disney and Square Enix properties,...
Get ready for the craziest psychedelic, zombie infested time of your life.
The latest and craziest trailer for Call of Duty's zombies is here and with...
Check out all of the action here!
In 2013, NetherRealm Studios released Injustice: God Among Us and got great ratings for the fighting game. Now, the...
While there are few details, the sequels boast original pixelated graphics and a remix of the original theme song.
A trailer for the upcoming Double Dragon...
Dust off those rifles soldiers!
Sony recently announced that they would releasing a new Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare bundle this week. The bundle will...
Yacht Club Games is back with their newest expansion, Specter of Torment.
Plague of Shadows was the latest bit of DLC and showcased Plague Knight's adventure...
This is actually quite fitting as I think more about it.
Gearbox president and founder Randy Pitchford came out during the pre-show at The Game Awards...
No Konami Needed.
After receiving the Industry Icon Award, Hideo Kojima presented us with this beauty:
Skeleton Warriors! Or well, soldiers.
Octopus Tank?
Upside down...
It looks pretty cool!
Square Enix recently released an extended trailer for Final Fantasy XV. The trailer highlights some of the characters and gameplay mechanics...
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Watch Dogs 2, Ubisoft's latest blockbuster game, is...