Imperial City, Bethesda's first DLC game pack for The Elder Scrolls Online, aims to impress its players.
New details about Bethesda's first DLC for The Elder Scrolls...
The newest expansion for World of Warcraft, titled Legion, enters beta testing later this year!
It was during Blizzard Entertainment's conference at Gamescom 2015 that the company...
Subscriber count falls to 5.6 million! Other notes
World of Warcraft loses 1.5 million subscribers. World of Warcraft 'Legion' expansion has been announced, will be released...
Better learn how to survive like Tom Hanks in Castaway, because the latest expansion for Don't Starve is leaving you lost at sea.
It's been over two...
The largest expansion for Star Wars: The Old Republic finally has its first gameplay trailer.
The gameplay trailer for Star Wars Battlefront's Fighter Squadron wasn't EA's only...
EA and DICE announced Fighter Squadron, the latest multiplayer game mode for Star Wars Battlefront at this year's Gamescom.
A new trailer for Star Wars Battlefront debuted...
A very "feature-heavy", story-based expansion pack called The Following is on the way for Dying Light players.
The zombie game Dying Light is predicted to get...
A new Battlefield will be released next year according to EA.
Chief Financial Officer Blake Jorgensen has confirmed another Battlefield is in the works during an investor call. He...
Bethesda Softworks hit their limit to how many they could make!
Even though Fallout 4 will not be released until November, Bethesda has already sold out...