‘Fury Road’ Director Does Not Want to do More Mad Max Films



Is this the end of Mad Max as we know it?

[dropcap size=small]I[/dropcap]t was supposed to be the best film of 2015, Rotten Tomatoes called it the best-reviewed film of 2015 and the film will probably take home multiple Oscars. That being said, it appears that George Miller is done with making Mad Max films.


George Miller broke the news during an interview with The New York Post at the Golden Globe and it seems that the trouble the director faced while producing the film in Australia is the main reason for his decision.

“I won’t make more Mad Max movies,” the newspaper quoted George Miller. “I’ve shot in Australia in a field of wildflowers and flat red earth when it rained heavily forever. We had to wait 18 months and every return to the US was 27 hours. Those Mad Maxes take forever. I won’t do those any more.”

Producing Mad Max: Fury Road took place over the course of twenty years and it was difficult to do. George Miller had planned on shooting in the New South Wales outback back in 2010 but he had to shut down the plan when unseasonably amounts of rainfall sprouted grass and wildflowers. Following this event, George Miller decided to shoot in Namibia, but even there George Miller faced trouble when environmentalists scorned the director and his production team for potentially harming the wildlife and ecosystem at the Dorob National Park. 

George Miller’s decision to quit filming anymore Mad Max films is quite saddening and shocking considering the director was interview by Entertainment Weekly and he claimed that producing a film about Furiosa would be a great idea for a Mad Max spin-off. Hopefully, the Australian director will change his mind sometime in the future.


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In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move.

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