Finding Dory Finally Gets a Trailer



Disney Pixar has finally released a teaser trailer for the upcoming sequel, Finding Dory.

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming….what were we talking about? Oh yes! Our favorite forgetful friend, Dory, from Disney Pixar’s Finding Nemo is finally getting her very own film. A sequel to the underwater phenomena has finally gotten a release date, a movie poster, and now a trailer!

Early yesterday morning, Ellen DeGeneres tweeted the photo of the Finding Dory movie poster as well as an announcement for the movie’s trailer. Ellen announced that the movie trailer would be released today and sure enough, I woke up this morning to a trailer for our little fish friend.

It’s been 12 years since Marlin and Dory went on their quest to find Nemo, and now the 3 live right next door to each other. The trailer reveals that the main characters for the film should be next to identical to the first film. However, instead of Nemo going off missing, we see Dory beginning to wander off in her sleep and start talking about wanting to continue the search for her lost family. If you don’t remember, this is exactly what Dory was trying to do when she ran into Marlin in the first film. It can be expected that Dory will probably wander off to find her family and…well…just keep swimming. It is sure to be an underwater roller coaster with some expected Pixar tear-jerking moments and animated humor suitable for all ages. The film is set to hit theaters on June 17th, 2016.


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