Disney’s Rocketeer’ to Get A Sequel/Reboot with African-American Lead



This movie will be set six years after the end of the original film!

[dropcap size=small]T[/dropcap]he movie that originally came out in 1991 is finally getting a sequel!

The new movie will be titled The Rocketeers and will have an African-American woman to play the lead role. Disney has yet to announce who will play that role.

The sequel will be set six years after the end of 1991’s The Rocketeer. The last Rocketeer disappeared while fighting the Nazis and another pilot will take over to fight the scientists who create rocket technology for the Rocketeer’s enemy.

Max Wrinkler and Matt Spicer will write the script, while Brigham Taylor will produce the movie. Of all people to help produce the movie, L.A. Clippers forward Blake Griffin and Carolina Panthers center Ryan Kalil will also produce the movie.

A sequel has been rumored to be released since the success of Joe Johnston’s original Rocketeer. With this announcement, the Rocketeer will finally make it’s first appearance in over two decades!

Are you excited for a Rocketeer sequel? Let us know in the comments below!


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