Geek Outpost Staff Attends Stan Lee’s Comikaze Expo (LA Comic Con) October 28 – 30
This past weekend, the GO staff was cordially invited to attend one of the biggest Los Angeles convetions of the year, Stan Lee’s Comikaze (also known as LA Comic Con). With a variety of events to attend, film and tv actors to track down, and cool merchandise to buy, our schedules were packed pretty tight.
Between meeting the original cast of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Austin ST John (Red Ranger), Walter Jones (Black Ranger), and David Yost (Blue Ranger), to enjoying the Star Trek Anniversary show, and having some of the best street vendor bacon-wrapped hotdogs Los Angeles can offer, this may have easily topped 2015 as the most fun we have had at Comikaze.
Pick up Tickets for Stan Lee’s #Comikaze / LA Comic Con 2017 Here