We love Dragon Ball. We love fan art. And we love artist Christopher Cayco for dedicating over three months of his life, well-over 1,000 hours drawing every conceivable Dragon Ball character that has ever appeared in the anime and manga.
Behold, my drawing of #EVERYDRAGONBALLCHARACTER! This drawing took me 3.5months and over 1000 draw hours.
Please share this with all your Dragon Ball friends!
WATCH ME DRAW THIS: https://t.co/rnFLqqsOFs
POSTER PRINTS: https://t.co/gDtpSPGcvh pic.twitter.com/tcN32RV4vA— Christopher Cayco (@ccaycoART) May 27, 2019
Featuring hundreds and hundreds of characters across all 4 series (DB, Z, GT, Super), there is not a single character missing from this piece. Or, we aren’t seeing any missing, but you are welcome to challenge Chris on it.
The art itself is available as purchasable prints from Cayco’s Store Envy page, but you can also get the added bonus of watching a super-cut of Chris drawing the entire thing on YouTube. Running an impressive 2h20m, the video covers his deep attention to detail on various characters throughout this massive digital drawing endeavor.
Should you decide you want to pick up a print, you can get the following sizes:
As we have said before, we love fan art. If you have some impressive work that you want to show us, email one of the staff directly, or email our general inbox at [email protected].