CEO of Warner Bros. Explains Batman v Superman Release Date



Kevin Tsujihara says the release date change was the right thing to do for both the movie and DC. 

[toggler title=”TL;DR” ]Kevin Tsujihara stands by Warner Bros.’ decision to change the release date of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, says the decision was made to ‘make the movie better’.[/toggler]

[dropcap size=small]I[/dropcap]t’s been a bit of a merry-go-round of release dates for the highly anticipated Batman v Superman DC title. Originally set for a 2015 summer release, it was then announced that it was being pushed back until May 6, 2016. Not content with leaving it at that, Warner Bros. have recently announced yet another release date for the two DC giant’s head to head match, marking it for 25 March, 2016.

With the movie being yo-yoed around and delayed, it’s hard to feel particularly settled with any release date announcements. So just what is going on?

Well, CEO of Warner Bros. Kevin Tsujihara spoke to the Hollywood Reporter recently, and gave some explanation for the choice to move the date to an earlier 2016 release.

Tsujihara began by speaking of the trepidation the initial decision was met with.

‘It was a tough decision at the time because it was going to create a hole in 2015.’

It’s no secret that Warner Bros.’ summer box office takings have fallen short this year, but Tsujihara stood by the change and offered up a reassuring explanation for yet another release date.

 ‘[I]t was absolutely the right decision for the franchise, for DC and the movie. Having seen the movie multiple times, and again last night, I’m extremely confident it was the right decision to make the movie better. And it’s so important for the studio to get the foundation right on DC.’

Tsujihara is wise to give such a reason for all the release date changes. It gives DC fans some hope that this next big flick – with many of DC’s favourite heroes – will be getting the movie they deserve, whilst also laying down some solid ground for future DC projects.

The fact that a Marvel project (that was eventually revealed to be Captain America: Civil War), fell on the same date as the previously slated Dawn of Justice May release, surely had something to do with it too.

civil-war (1)

Let’s just hope they stick to this one, and deliver us some good Batman vs. Superman action next year to make all these release date changes worthwhile!

Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice hits theatres 25 March, 2016. 

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