Does it already feel like 2017 was forever ago? Yes. Is making a best of the year list in February pushing it? Probably. BUT just like the year prior, 2017 was an awesome year for shows, movies, and games. Below are my favorites, and hopefully this will give you something to consider revisiting or check out for the first time.
Best Show: Samurai JackÂ
When Samurai Jack completed its fourth season back in 2004, the titular protagonist never made it back to the past. In 2017, the series was revived, Jack made it home, and I was awestruck. The fifth season of Samurai Jack is the gold standard for reviving a show long after it initially ended. The series is just as fantastically animated and intensely choreographed as before, but now, airing on Adult Swim, it gained a nuanced maturity. It’s bleak and unbearably tragic at times, but through it all, redemption and finality to Jack’s story is what elevates this into being a masterful ending. If you watched the series as a kid, watch season five. If you didn’t, watch season five.
Runner-Up: Stranger Things 2
Just like almost everyone with access to Netflix, I love Stranger Things. The series’ sophomore season however didn’t grab me the way the first did…but then I watched the last two episodes. The dance, Bob’s sacrifice, babysitter Steve! Everything came together in the end, and I was just as hooked as before.
Honorable Mentions: Game of Thrones, Rick and Morty, Dragon Ball Super
Best Movie: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
After seeing Guardians Vol. 2, I was really hopeful another 2017 movie would come along and be my favorite because that would be mean there’s something I loved even more than this. I can say now, there wasn’t. Guardians Vol. 2 is outstanding. I’ve hyped up this movie enough in the months since its release that I’m worried anything I say will come across as hyperbole. But really. It’s the best film in the MCU, it’s one of the best sequels, and it’s one of my favorite movies of all time. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is laser-focused on character development, relationships, and familial bonds. It does all of that so well, and it’s the realization of those themes that I love so much about this movie. Now excuse me while I go scream “It’s the Empire Strikes Back of our time!” at people.
Runner-Up: Blade Runner 2049
Do you like sci-fi? Do you like good movies? Do like Harrison Ford actually trying? BOY DO I HAVE A MOVIE FOR YOU!
Seriously, go watch 2049 right now. It didn’t get the attention it deserved when initially released, but now’s the time. Go watch it. Now excuse me while I go scream “It’s the Blade Runner of our time!” at people.
Honorable Mentions: Lady Bird, Coco, Baby Driver
Best Game(s): Super Mario Odyssey and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
WOW! A 2017 game of the year list with Mario and Zelda on it?!? What a surprise!!! And you can’t decide because they were both so awesome?!?!? WOAH, edgy!
Yep. I know. I don’t need to tell you how much fun Odyssey and Breath of the Wild are. They’re masterpieces. You’ve probably heard that. They alone warrant checking out the Nintendo Switch. So instead…
Runner-Up: What Remains of Edith Finch (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
I’m going to tell you about this. What Remains of Edith Finch is a first-person adventure game where a young woman returns to her childhood home, revisiting the history of her seemingly cursed family. The game is an interactive narrative where the player’s control is integral to the events that unfold. This control is at times unsettling, harrowing, and ultimately transformative. Edith Finch affected me like no game before has. It’s a brief, but extremely profound experience I implore you to play.
Honorable Mentions: Cuphead, Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice, Horizon Zero Dawn
There you have it. Let us know what your favorites of last year are, and cheers to 2018 (yeah I know).