Customizations for characters in Insomniac Games’ Sunset Overdrive will be in the thousands, all in an effort to make sure players can express exactly who they would be when and if an energy drink fueled apocalypse ever took place.
“Anything goes. We have a certain tone we’re trying to hit, a certain attitude and feeling for when you’re playing the game. There aren’t necessarily many vanity pieces, and we’ve rejected concepts that we thought were too much, maybe too weird or different,” lead character artist, Gavin Goulden, said to Polygon in an interview.

“I mean you can run around as a panda in our game, so we’re not necessarily reserved.”
Customization options are broken down into several categories: headwear, hair, facial hair, shirts, jackets, gloves, pants, shoes and tattoos for any part of the body. The different pieces are categorized into buckets. This means that players will have options for different clothing from a huge variety of fashion statements inspired from all over the world – such as punk, goth, Japanese anime, halloween costumes – the list goes on.
Goulden went on to say, “The creative directors started the project by dropping a giant pile of all of their toys on our desks and saying, ‘Make this. It was really important for us that we give players the element of choice. Be who you want to be, it’s the end of the world, and rather than focus on this sad dreary existence, you are nothing and now you get this second chance to do whatever you want and reinvent yourself.”
Are you ready for the end of the world?
Sunset Overdrive will be released on October 28, for Xbox One.