The unreleased South Park game is a mixture of South Park combined with GTA or Simpson’s Hit and Run.
[dropcap size=small]T[/dropcap]he Nintendo Age forum moderator qixmaster stumbled upon an unreleased and unannounced South Park game after going through the two separate xbe binary files from the Xbox dev kit that he had recently purchased several weeks ago. According to qixmaster, the “game play is very buggy and incomplete” but he was able to upload a clip online for everyone to see.
Since qixmaster uploaded the clip on YouTube the people at HappyConsoleGamer were able to get their hands on the console and put together a video that show the four kids from South Park exploring the city filled with different interactions that often caused the game to crash. At one point you can see Eric Cartman fighting a bunch of wild dogs and afterwards you can see that the game never was fully finished because in the place where Stan’s house should be are the words “Stan’s House”. You can watch the video below.
There are no known details about the discovered South Park game, but sources say that the game may have been under development by Oregon’s Buzz Monkey Games, a studio funded by the former members of Dynamix.