After Recent Leaks, Here’s What We Know about Middle Earth: Shadow of War



The sequel to Shadow of Mordor has been leaked! Check it out here!

[dropcap size=small]T[/dropcap]his last weekend, Target recently leaked information about a sequel to Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor. The following plot description was offered with Middle Earth: Shadow of War:

“Go behind enemy lines to forge your army, conquer Fortresses and dominate Mordor from within. Experience how the award winning Nemesis System creates unique personal stories with every enemy and follower, and confront the full power of the Dark Lord Sauron and his Ringwraiths in this epic new story of Middle-earth.”

After Target’s leak of the game, Warner Brothers Interactive Entertainment and developer Monolith Productions officially announced Middle Earth: Shadow of War and released it’s first trailer. Check it out below!

The game takes off right after the ending of Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor. As far as we know, the game will include two new Nemesis Tribes: Slaughter Tribe and Outlaw Tribe. The game will feature new orc tribes, missions, fortress updates, equipment and more. In addition to the main story, there will be two story expansions titled Blade of Galadriel and Desolation of Mordor.

You can pre-order the game from the game’s official website here. In order to get the story expansions and other bonuses, you have to pre-order Silver, Gold, or Mythril Editions of the game.

Middle Earth: Shadow of War will be released on August 22nd for PS4, Xbox One, PC, PS4 and Project Scorpio!


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