Drew Goddard Set to Write and Direct X-Force Movie with Deadpool and Cable



Goddard gon’ give it to ya.

It looks like Fox is making big strides in it’s Marvel universe, with a long-awaited film now much closer to being made. 

Deadline reports that Drew Goddard has been tapped by Fox to write and direct X-Force, with Ryan Reynolds and Josh Brolin set to star in the film as Deadpool and Cable. Goddard has written a number of high-profile films including Cloverfield, World War Z, and The Martian, and was the creator of Daredevil for Marvel and Netflix. 

In the comics, X-Force is a mutant strike team formed by Cable to protect threats to mutantkind. So think militant, mutant-Avengers. A movie adaptation of this team-up, just like the Deadpool movie, was in development hell over at Fox for years, but once Deadpool released and was a smash-hit, momentum started, and now it looks like the film is close to production. 

But when will it happen? Fox has a pretty busy Marvel movie release schedule, with New Mutants set for next April, Deadpool 2 releasing next June, and X-Men: Dark Phoenix hitting theaters November 2018. Fox does have three unknown Marvel films scheduled for 2019 (with similar spring, summer, and fall release dates), so maybe sometime then? We’ll have to wait and see. 

Also, who else is going to be on the X-Force team? It’d be pretty boring if it was just Deadpool, Cable, Domino, or only other characters showing up in Deadpool 2, so maybe one of the kids from New Mutants? OR how awesome would it be if Laura from Logan joined the team as X-23! OR a Wolverine clone so we can finally have Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds fight together?! Please be that. 

Anyway, Fox has been on a role with their R-rated Marvel movies, and Goddard considering how talented Goddard is, hopefully X-Force is another hit. 

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