New mobile game lets you use your phone to catch, trade, and battle Pokémon.
[dropcap size=small]W[/dropcap]ell Pokémon Trainers, the day has finally come where we are able to live out our dreams of being Pokémon Masters in the real world.
Sort of.
Earlier today, The Pokémon Company announced a collaboration with Niantic Labs to create Pokémon Go. The game will use Niantic GPS and location based technology which will let you trade, battle, and capture the Pokémon in your surrounding area.
Also announced was the wearable Pokémon Go Plus , which is a wrist band that wirelessly connects to your game through Bluetooth. It pairs to both Android and iOS and will flash and vibrate when something in the game is going on in your area. It can also be used to actually capture the Pokémon.
The wonderful people over at Serebii have also revealed that Junichi Masuda is on board for creating locations and music for the game and that Pokémon Go will in some way link to the main games.
Pokémon Go is slated for a 2016 release.