Age of Ultron a ‘Failure’, Says Disney



Avengers sequel underachieves, leaves Marvel in state of Civil War.

[dropcap size=small]D[/dropcap]isney sources have reportedly confirmed that Avengers: Age of Ultron didn’t make enough money for their liking. Because sometimes $1.4 billion just isn’t enough, right? This year’s sequel to The Avengers got above average reviews, and it did make a decent sum of money, but unlike its predecessor, not enough people went to see it a second time.

This has all led to a behind the scenes reshuffle at Marvel, as president Kevin Feige has supposedly used Ultron‘s below-par performance as an excuse to force out eccentric Marvel CEO Isaac Perlmutter. Vanity Fair has reported that Feige and Marvel are now going over Perlmutter’s head, and reporting straight to Disney boss Alan Horn.

While Feige has never hidden away from the spotlight, Perlmutter has kept a relatively low profile during his 10 year spell at the company. His contribution, though, has been every bit as important as Feige’s in making Marvel Studios the powerhouse it has become, and now the controversial figure has become the victim of Marvel’s own Civil War. It’s no wonder Joss Whedon called these guys ‘really unpleasant.’

Captain America: Civil War comes out May 6th, 2016.

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