
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move.

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We Need to Bring Back the Rubber Suits for the Next Live-Action TMNT Flick

CGI just doesn't cut it. Those hulk-like Michael Bay adaptations are an abomination.

Remembering the Classics: Biker Mice From Mars

Relive the no-holds-barred adrenaline-fueled Martian mouse biker action from the 90s. Yeah, that was very much a thing back then.

Remembering the Classics: Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa

Gun-slinging cows enforcing the law while dealing out the swift hands of justice to bad guys? What is not to love?!


Bioshock Remasters Coming to PC and Consoles

Descend once again to Rapture or climb to new heights in Columbia with Bioshock: The Collection. If you played the Bioshock trilogy or you've never played the series...

Here are the Latest Details on Marvel’s ‘Ant-Man and the Wasp’

Just like Cap shared the screen with Bucky in his past two movies, Scott Lang will share the screen with Hope Van Dyne’s Wasp. Ant Man...

Daredevil Had an Open World Game That Almost Saw the Light of Day

Originally planned to be a PlayStation 2 exclusive game, the project was shelved after Marvel revoked the Daredevil license. Have you ever finished watching an episode of Marvel's...

Funimation Films Will be Releasing the ‘Rurouni Kenshin’ Live Action Trilogy in the U.S.

Follow the Reverse Blade Sword-wielding Samurai one more time. One of Japan's most popular worldwide, best-selling mangas of all time is getting its very own theatrical...

Our Spoiler Free Review of Stephen King’s ‘Cell’

What if our unceasing dependence on our cell phones brought about the collapse of civilization and humanity? It happens in a matter of minutes, one...

‘Legends of the Hidden Temple’ Reboot Series Teased with New Posters

Get ready for what looks to be a legendary two-part television premier. You read that headline right, Legends of the Hidden Temple is being rebooted, just...

Latest ‘Berserk’ Trailer Shows Epic Sword Battles with Black Swordsman

This impressive trailer is going to make you go berserk. The popular manga Berserk is not only being created into its own anime later on this fall,...

Here is the Latest From Blizzard on Overwatch’s New Competitive Mode

Blizzard holds its promise of tweaking Overwatch based on player's feedback. Blizzard Entertainment's Overwatch has become one of the most popular video games to date and quickly...

Warcraft Film has Become the Highest Grossing Video Game Film of All Time

Warcraft has overtaken Prince of Persia: Sands of Time thanks to how well it has done in China. When it comes to video games being adapted...

Amber Heard’s Role in ‘Aquaman’ and ‘Justice League’ Films May be in Jeopardy

The actress has reportedly lost over 20 lbs due to "overwhelming stress". Actress Amber Heard (Friday Night Lights, The Danish Girl) could lose her role in...

Zelda: Breath of the Wild – Here Are Some Incredible 4K Rendered Screenshots

Zelda: Breath of the Wild is the most beautiful Zelda game yet. Sony may have won E3 overall but Nintendo's announcement and the sneak peek of Zelda: Breath...

‘Kingdom Hearts 3’ Director Says Entire Series May Come to Current Consoles

KH 1.5 and KH 2.5 could be remastered for PS4 and Xbox One. Sorry Kingdom Hearts fans, it would seem that Kingdom Hearts III, which had a gameplay/teaser trailer debuted...

John Williams will Score Indiana Jones 5, Ready Player One

Director Steve Spielberg confirmed the news at American Film Tribute. The incredible film composer who is responsible for the music behind Star Wars, Harry Potter, Jurassic Park and Saving...

Horror RPG ‘Call of Cthulhu’ E3 Trailer Revealed

With a promising teaser trailer, Call of Cthulu aims to be the best horror game shown at E3. The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is...

Wolverine 3 Title to be ‘Weapon X’?

The after-credits scene in X-Men: Apocalypse leaves the third Wolverine movie with plenty of options. Over the past few weeks Hugh Jackman has been teasing us with...

Skyrim Console Remaster, The Evil Within Sequel to be Announced at E3

This is FUS-RO-DAH-lightful news! Its that time of year again when E3 is about to begin and thus rumors begin to spread like wildfire across...

‘Allison Road’ Horror Game Has Been Cancelled

Sorry P.T. fans, it looks like you'll have to wait for another Silent Hill-style game. After being taken down from Kickstarter due to the team behind...

Is Matrix 4 a Possibility? Producer Shares Details

Some movies should remain untouched, The Matrix trilogy is one of them. These days it seems that Hollywood is obsessed with superhero films and remaking or rebooting...

Alfred Actor Says ‘Batman v Superman’ Deserved Its Bad Reviews

"I mean it took $800m, so the kicking didn’t matter but it was sort of overstuffed." Has Alfred betrayed Batman? Certainly not, but you can...

Much More Powerful XBox One May on the Way

Two new Xbox One consoles are supposedly in the making at Microsoft. With Sony's Playstation 4 outperforming Microsoft's Xbox One not only in overall sales...