
Game Enthusiast. TV Binge Watcher.

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Amazon’s The Boys Teases Major Supernatural Reunion in Final Season

Jared Padalecki and Misha Collins join Jim Beaver, JD Morgan, and Jensen Ackles in the upcoming fifth and final season of Amazon's hit series The Boys.

Rita’s Rewind Getting Major Update – Upgradeable Stats, Gameplay Modifiers, & More

After a lukewarm reception at launch, Digital Eclipse is hard at work doing everything they can to improve things.

Rumor: Classic Pokemon Collection, Gens 1-3, May Be Coming to Switch

We have long since dreamt of the classics coming to Switch. But is there any merit to these rumors or is it just more BS?


New Dishonored 2 Trailer Released at Gamescom

New trailer features Emily Kaldwin's skills and abilities! Check it out here! Last weekend, Gamescom featured a variety of new game trailers and gameplays of...

Vin Diesel Confirms Guardians of The Galaxy Will Be in Avengers: Infinity War

I am Groot! I am Groot! Can't tell what the details are? Check them out here! Since Marvel released the title for Avengers: Infinity War, there...

Natalie Portman is Done With Thor’s Jane Foster Character

Unfortunately, it sounds like her character will no longer be featured in the Marvel Universe! Despite not having any super powers, Jane Foster (played by...

South Park: The Fractured But Whole Gameplay Trailer – Be A Hero

Follow the Coon and his friends to help save South Park...while cursing at each other the whole way through! After debating whether to create a...

Hugh Jackman Teases Wolverine 3 Look, Old Man Logan?

Jackman has been active on Instagram, posting photos of his role in Wolverine 3. Check them out here! With the new Wolverine movie set to return...

Jonah Hill Not Optimistic About Men in Black/23 Jump St Crossover Sequel

As great of an idea this is, Hill thinks that "it's too complicated." According to the Toronto Sun, 22 Jump Street actor Jonah Hill doesn't...

Elder Scrolls 6 Will Happen, But Not for Some Time

Best get comfortable with Elder Scrolls: Online for a while before expecting another game to come out! For quite some time, Elder Scrolls has been one of the...

Elder Scrolls Could Get A Film Franchise Some Day, If Peter Jackson Were Involved

You can't blame Bethesda for wanting quality directing for a game franchise that has been popular for years! Popular games that have reached the movie...

Hulu Will End Free Streaming: Moving to Subscription Only

Hulu had free content available to users since the company started in 2007. Hulu was known to be one of the few websites that had...

Playstation Exclusive Show ‘Powers’ Has Been Cancelled

After two seasons, Sony has decided to shut down it's only TV show! Seeing that original shows from Netflix, Hulu and even Youtube have had...

Bad Santa is Back With New Photo Sets Featuring Thurman Merman

Several images released by Miramax and Broad Green Pictures confirm Merman's return to Bad Santa! With the 2003 comedy Bad Santa finally getting a sequel, we are getting...

Disney’s Rocketeer’ to Get A Sequel/Reboot with African-American Lead

This movie will be set six years after the end of the original film! The movie that originally came out in 1991 is finally getting...

Charlie Hunham Likely Won’t Return For ‘Pacific Rim’ Sequel

Hunham's schedule conflicted with Legendary Pictures' schedule, which led to him not returning. Charlie Hunham has officially announced that he will not be returning as...

Sonic is Getting Two New Titles in 2017

Among all the exciting announcements this weekend, Sega chimed in by announcing these two new games for their blue hedgehog! Sonic fans will be excited to...

Marvel Releases Teaser Poster For Iron Fist – 2017

The poster was unveiled Thursday at San Diego Comic Con! Check it out here! Comic Con kicked off on Thursday with a much-anticipated poster released...

Naruto Online’ MMORPG Announced For US- Will Follow Anime Series

Great news for those who follow the plotline from the Japanese series! Smartphone game designer and publisher Oasis Games announced that their first MMORPG game...

Movie About Emojis Coming From Sony, T.J. Miller Joins Cast

In celebration of World Emoji Day, Sony announced yesterday that an emoji movie is in the works! Over the past few years, we have seen...

This is What Disney’s Star Wars Land May Look Like

From Storm Troopers' blaster bolts missing you as you explore the park to venturing to passing by the Millenium Falcon, Star Wars Land will...

Fans Rebuild Skyrim into ‘Enderal’ A New Game With 30-100 Hours Of New Gameplay

A new Skyrim! Given how big Skyrim's map ranges, is this even possible?! This past year, we've seen games in the Elder Scrolls series create...

New ‘Sun and Moon’ Pokemon ‘Salandit’ is The First Fire/Poison Type

Honestly surprised Nintendo didn't come up with this already! More info on Salandit here! Pokemon Sun and Moon have releeased a brand new Pokemon with a type-combo...