This is the Real Reason Hulk won’t be in ‘Civil War’



Just why won’t Hulk be taking sides? 

[toggler title=”TL;DR” ]Screenwriters Stephen Freely and Christopher Markus explained that which ever side Hulk chose would have a huge advantage, and the fighting would have been too one-sided. [/toggler]

[dropcap size=small]W[/dropcap]e heard the news that Hulk wasn’t going to be in the upcoming Captain America: Civil War some time ago, and given the ending of Age of Ultron, it wasn’t so surprising.

Comic book aficionado’s will also have noticed that Hulk wasn’t in the comic series, so it was pretty much assumed by fans of the series that he wouldn’t be involved.

The film will see members of the Avengers turn against each other. Iron Man faces off against Captain America as they struggle to ascertain what the right thing to do truly is for those with power. 

So why isn’t Hulk there to pick a side? Besides the points we’ve already covered that he’s absent in the comics, and went off for some mysterious reason at the end of Ultron, a rather obvious reason comes into play too. 

Screen writers Stephen Freely and Christopher Markus spoke with Entertainment Weekly about Civil War, and revealed why the writers wanted Hulk to stay out of it.

Markus essentially said it would be game over for which ever side gained Hulks allegiance. 

You put those guys in a fight, it’s over quickly. It’s like, ‘Well, we have the Hulk on our side.’ Oh, fine, then.

The great big green mountain of muscle Bruce Banner becomes is powerful to say the least. He can toss cars as though they’re as light as candyfloss – just imagine if he was pitted against members of the Avengers. Granted they’re pretty darn powerful themselves, but there’s only so much they can do against Hulk.

Let me put it this way – if Hulk can go against tanks and a tirade of bullets with barely a scratch on him, the Avengers would have to do something truly special to take him down.

It would certainly make for a very interesting fight and subplot – focusing on which side he’d chose – but clearly that’s not the direction the writers wanted to go in.

Markus explained that the roster was based on the kind of fights they wanted to do, and a one-sided fight with Hulk would never have worked. 

When you think about it, it just makes sense.

But never fear Hulk fans, you won’t have wait too long to see that big green fella again. Hulk is due to appear in Thor: Rognack, which is set for release 17 November, 2017.  

Captain America: Civil War is due to hit theatres 6 May, 2016. 


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