There are supposedly 100 scripts written for Star Wars: Underworld at Lucasfilm just waiting to be used to create a live-action tv series about Star Wars.
[dropcap size=small]W[/dropcap]ith Star Wars: The Force Awakens only six days away from being released in theaters everyone seems to have Star Wars fever. It is because of this that Lucasfilm is contemplating breathing life into two of the most highly anticipated side stories in Star Wars, the live action television series Star Wars: Underworld and the cancelled video game Star Wars: 1313.
In a recent interview Slashfilm sat down with Kathleen Kennedy who heads Lucasfilm these days. During the interview Kathleen Kennedy commented on the possibility of both Star Wars: Underworld and Star Wars 1313. Both projects were shut down when Disney acquired the rights to everything that George Lucas owned, including LucasArts. Disney eventually laid off most of the staff at the company while outsourcing the Star Wars brand to other game publishers like EA so they could lower the risk for themselves.
Luckily, a lot of what Lucasfilm and LucasArts was working on somehow survived the purge. This means there is content from Star Wars 1313 that was shown off at the 2012 E3 conference sitting around just waiting to be used.
“Unbelievable. So our attitude is, we don’t want to throw any of that stuff away. It’s gold. And it’s something we’re spending a lot of time looking at, pouring through, discussing, and we may very well develop those things further. We definitely want to.”
Not only that, but somehow the scripts that George Lucas wrote for Star Wars: Underground have survived.Â
“No. No, interestingly enough, that’s an area we’ve spent a lot of time, reading through the material that he developed is something we very much would like to explore. And there was 1313 the game.”
Star Wars 1313 was, until Star Wars Battlefront 3, the most requested game among Star Wars fan. The game centered around a bounty hunter (who was rumored to be a young Boba Fett) in the criminal underground of Coruscant. The game had intense fire fights while also telling the story behind Coruscant’s level 1313. The game isn’t currently being worked on at this moment, but if LucasArts and Disney decided to release the game there would probably be plenty of consumers at Gamestop’s door at midnight waiting to get their hands on that game. For now, we can only hope that Disney continues to get swept up in the Star Wars fever and breathe life into these two projects.