Robert Downey Jr. Confirmed for ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’



Underoos and Iron Man together again! 

It looks like Iron Man/ Tony Stark will appear in the upcoming Marvel/Sony Spider-Man film. 

Variety reports that Sony has struck a deal with Robert Downey Jr., meaning that Tony Stark is set to star in Spider-Man: Homecoming. Whether Stark will be a major character or just a cameo is currently unknown. 

As the film probably takes place after the rapidly approaching Captain America: Civil War, we can assume that Stark doesn’t perish in his fight again Cap and Bucky (even though that probably wouldn’t happen regardless).

We imagine Stark’s role in Homecoming is him being a mentor like figure to Peter Parker. Early reviews for Civil War have particularly praised Spider-Man, and his chemistry with Iron Man, so we can’t wait to see these together, and hopefully, there will be a lot more of that in Spidey’s solo film. 


Homecoming stars Tom Holland as Peter Parker/ Spider-Man, Marisa Tomei as Aunt May, Zendaya Coleman as Michelle (a new character), and possibly Michael Keaton as the film’s villain, but Variety pointed out in this same report that this may not be happening anymore. 

RDJ was born to play Tony Stark, and he’s been killing it for almost eight years. Having him in this reboot gives us faith Sony and Marvel are making sure to treat Spidey right. 

Spider-Man: Homecoming swings into theaters on 7, 2017. 


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