Green Man confirmed as the film’s villain.
Power Rangers, the film reboot based off the Mighty Morphin series, is currently filming in Steveston, British Columbia.
We’ve already got a glimpse of Elizabeth Banks as Rita Repulsa on set, and we now have our first look at one of the suited-up Rangers in action.
YVRShoots has posted a number of set photos showing the Red Ranger fighting off two dudes garbed in motion capture suits.
Unless Green Man from Always Sunny has multiplied, we’re going to assume the Red Ranger will be fighting a pair of CGI monster created through green screen compositing.
Also, it looks like the Red Ranger fighting these monsters is a stunt double, not actually Dacre Montgomery, who will be portraying said Ranger.
Nevertheless, it’s nice to know the suits used in the film aren’t just CGI creations like the reveal photo lead us to believe.
The suit may look very Iron Man-y up close, but practical effects are always a plus.
The film stars Elizabeth Banks as Rita Repulsa, Becky G as the Yellow Ranger, R.J. Cyler as the Blue Ranger, Ludi Lin as the Black Ranger, Naomi Scott as the Pink Ranger, and Dacre Montgomery as the Red Ranger.
Saban’s Power Rangers mighty morphs into theaters on March 24, 2017.