Michael Keaton May Be the Villain in ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’



Birdman could be playing a man bird. 

Hot off the announcement of the film’s official title, Spider-Man: Homecoming may have found its villain. 

Variety reports that Micheal Keaton is in early talks to portray a villain in the upcoming Marvel and Sony Spider-Man reboot film. 

Who this villain will be remains a mystery, but rumors point to the classic Spidey foe the Vulture. 

Keaton is best known for portraying Batman in the 1989 film, and its sequel Batman Returns, both directed by Tim Burton. He rose to prominence in the last couple years for his role in Birdman, where he played a washed-up actor best known for this role in superhero films of the same name. 


Vulture, aka Adrian Toomes, is a constant foe of Spider-Man in comics, using his electromagnetic wing harness to fly around and cause trouble. More often than not, he is a part of the villainous team the Sinister Six. The character was intended to be the main villain in the fourth Sam Raimi Spider-Man film, which obviously never entered production, and the character would have appeared in the Sinister Six spinoff of the Amazing Spider-Man series, which probably will never be made as well. 

asm 63 spidey saves kid

Michael Keaton, and Vulture, are not officially confirmed to appear in the film, but it’s been a long time coming for the Vulture to fight Spider-Man on the big screen, and through what better actor than Birdman himself. 

Spider-Man: Homecoming hits theaters on July 7, 2017. 


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