THR is reporting that HBO has bigger plans for the universe of Game of Thrones than we once thought with Jon Snow getting his own sequel series. All we know so far is that this series will follow the conclusion of the eighth and final season of the original. The reports state that the show is in early development over at HBO with Kit Harrington returning in the titular role and that is pretty much that. Apparently, HBO and Harrington’s people are not providing anything more of substance on the subject.
As of now, we have a lot of questions and among those is… why? Jon Snow was a fan favorite among a plethora of beloved characters but it seems as if the dangers are over and the unification of the lands has begun to find itself properly. So what exactly is there left to tell?
Let’s be honest with each other for a moment. You are skeptical. We are skeptical. Game of Thrones was great up until the fifth season when things started to go downhill and then Benioff and Weiss tanked the show and pissed the entire world off just so they could go do a Star Wars trilogy at Disney and Lucasfilm (which they were fired from).

If Benioff and Weiss aren’t attached and if any of the original cast is coming back (no word on that yet, only Kit Harrington is confirmed so far), there could be something interesting here to explore. As long as a good writing team is involved, we are open to the idea but the idea itself- is it an original one birthed by a bunch of suits in an HBO boardroom, or is it going to be based on something from George R.R. Martin himself?
Before we get excited at the prospect of this show, we need more information. Who all is involved in the cast? Who is writing the story? is Martin attached in some way? Is this just a lousy cash grab attempt or is there some real substance here? What is the plot based on? Is this a mini-series or an attempt at something bigger? Too many questions. Too few answers. None, in fact.
Our biggest problem with Game of Thrones is what David Benioff and Dan Weiss did to it in the end. They had mountains of help throughout the earlier seasons and the acting was beyond excellent among brilliant set pieces and artists and more. If that all returns with them, there is potential if the plot is good. We just… don’t know what it could be about.
Either way, we are going to get a lot more Game of Thrones, at least in the form of the prequel series House of the Dragon but we never expected it to end there as there are at least half of a dozen or so shows in the works over at HBO presently. What those all entail is anyone’s guess but maybe, just maybe someday, we will get enough Game of Thrones to wash the awful taste of that atrocious eighth season out of our mouths. But until then, we will remain skeptical even if there is a glimmer of hope knowing Kit Harrington is involved.