James Gunn Confirms He is Directing ‘Superman: Legacy’, will Release July 11th, 2025

The film is said to take inspiration from the 12-issue comic series 'All-Star Superman'.



DC Studios is hard at work with their new shared universe plans and at the head of it is Co-CEO, James Gunn. Gunn, who is leaving the MCU behind for the DCU/DCEU, has also announced that he is indeed directing the next installment in the Superman film franchise, Superman: Legacy. This new reboot comes out in the summer of 2025 and, apparently, falls on Gunn’s late father’s birthday.

After the announcement Tweet above confirming the news, Gunn goes on to address the significance of the release date in addition to what it means to be ready to take on a film franchise of this caliber. Gunn wraps things up by expressing his overall excitement for the script, of which he is also writing himself in addition to producing and directing the film that follows.

Superman: Legacy is set to release on July 11th, 2025, and is said to be taking inspiration from All-Star Superman, a twelve-issue series that ended in 2008. Written by Grant Morrison and rank Quietly, the comic series “revolves around Superman, who is dying due to overexposure to the Sun, as he accomplishes many heroic feats (The Twelve Labors of Superman) and attempts to make peace with the world before his imminent death.

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