Han Solo was Supposed to be in Episode III, as Chewbacca’s Adopted Son?!



“Young Han Solo, meet baby Luke and Leia.”

Disney and Lucasfilm are currently busy casting a young Han Solo for the Star Wars Anthology film starring everyone’s favorite nerf herder.

Believe it or not, a young Solo almost appeared on-screen long before this upcoming spinoff; and thank God it didn’t happen.

Den of Geek reports that in an early draft of Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, George Lucas included a scene featuring a young Han Solo hanging around Chewbacca’s home world, Kashyyyk.

Apparently, this scene would have been very brief, but would feature Solo conversing with Yoda about a transmitter droid, which would help the Jedi Master and the Republic in their search for General Grievous.

Most interestingly, this scene would suggest that Solo was adopted and raised by Chewbacca, ultimately making them father and son.

“It’s not in the script anymore,” said concept artist Iian McCaig in the Revenge of the Sith art book, “but we were told that Han Solo was on Kashyyyk and that he was being raised by Chewbacca. He’s such a persnickety guy later on – he always has to have the best of everything – so I thought it’d be great if when he was a kid, he was an absolute slob.”

Below is McCaig’s concept art of the young hypothetical Han.


Here’s young Han dressed eerily similar to Rey.


And here he is with his father, older brother, Tom Solo, and little sister, Susan Solo. 

Obviously, this scene didn’t make it into the film, and we’re very thankful for this. First off, the suggestion of a father-son relationship between Chewy and Han completely ruins their dynamic as partners. Never was it remotely suggested in the original trilogy that Chewy was a father figure to Han, and their camaraderie  clearly comes from friendship more than anything.

Plus, I’m sure this whole scenario would make Chewy’s real son, Lumpy, featured in the Star Wars Holiday Special, very jealous.


Anyway, the notion of Chewy being Han’s father, and a kid Solo talking to Yoda, would have just added to one of the many reasons why the prequel trilogy blows: these films give details that aren’t needed. Just like seeing little Ani build C-3PO, or little Boba Fett, this scene would have ruined the allure and background of a memorable character through superfluous detail and coincidences.

Han Solo is, and always was, a dashing rogue and scoundrel.

However, could the standalone Solo film screw everything up?

Will we see Dave Franco play catch with his Papa Bacca?

Ok, I wouldn’t mind seeing that.

The Han Solo Anthology film hits theaters on May 25, 2018.


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