Movie Reviews

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John Reviews Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

Everything people are saying about Guardians of the Galaxy is true. Unless they're speaking negatively about it, then you tell those people to shut...

We Cover the Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods Movie Premier!

This week, FUNimation invited the Geek Outpost staff to get a first-hand look at Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods before it hits US...

John Reviews Deliver Us From Evil (2014)

“Inspired by the actual accounts of an NYPD sergeant.” That was the tagline that got me into the theater to see Deliver Us From...

John Reviews Transformers: Age Of Extinction (2014)

In this semi-reboot we are introduced to a new main cast of humans and a whole new slurry of Transformers (Dinobots!). That means no...

John Reviews 22 Jump Street (2014)

With as well-received as 21 Jump Street was, it makes sense that Hollywood would want a sequel. To be honest, I wanted a sequel too....

John Reviews How To Train Your Dragon 2 (2014)

We find ourselves back in the Viking village of Berk, five years after the events of How To Train Your Dragon. Dragons and humans...

John Reviews A Million Ways To Die In The West (2014)

If you’re a die hard Seth MacFarlane (Family Guy, Ted) fan they you’ll probably appreciate his sophomore directorial effort, just don’t go into it...

Rob Reviews X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)

This year FOX delivers brings us the latest installment int the long running X-Men franchise with Days of Future Past. For those unfamiliar, the reboot sequel is...

Rob Reviews The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 starring Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Jamie Foxx, Dane DeHaan and several other names, was not exactly what we were hoping...