Set in an alternate present-day where humans, orcs, elves, and fairies have been coexisting since the beginning of time, this action-thriller directed by David...
Justice League isn't as bad as many critics are claiming, but it definitely isn't the best superhero film either...Â
Fueled by his restored faith in...
Director KentarĹŤ Hagiwara takes on the beloved anime and shows how to translate a manga/film to the silverscreen.Â
Full disclosure, I am a huge anime fan....
Step aside Magarfield, there's a new spider in the neighborhood.
I'll just get right to it, Spider-Man: Homecoming is hands down the best Spider-Man movie...
Never break the chain.
One of the highlights of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is absolutely Guardians of the Galaxy. It's music, humor, and heart have...
Power Rangers stumbles here, picks itself up there, and eventually makes its way to providing a semi-decent movie-going experience.Â
That about sums it up. Honestly....
Yeah, I'm thinking he's back (again).Â
John Wick was a fantastic surprise. It was a gritty, old-school action flick rooted in a simple, yet effective premise....
Like a lot of people, I was sceptical of Doctor Strange. Marvel has survived cryogenically-frozen super soldiers and thunder gods, but magic is a whole...