Yacht Club Games is back with their newest expansion, Specter of Torment.
Plague of Shadows was the latest bit of DLC and showcased Plague Knight's adventure...
This is actually quite fitting as I think more about it.
Gearbox president and founder Randy Pitchford came out during the pre-show at The Game Awards...
It looks pretty cool!
Square Enix recently released an extended trailer for Final Fantasy XV. The trailer highlights some of the characters and gameplay mechanics...
Gameplay producer David McAnerin says they want to "focus on telling Frank's story" and that they are "excited to bring him back!
Earlier this week,...
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Watch Dogs 2, Ubisoft's latest blockbuster game, is...
Star Wars Battlefront 2 is expected to be released in time for Star Wars Episode VIII.
Last year's Star Wars Battlefront was surely beautiful and you could...
Developer 2K says servers will stay online for the "foreseeable future".
Not long after becoming 'Free To Play' on PC, Turtle Rock Studio's have announced...
As far as live action trailers go Dishonored 2's latest trailer is nothing but badass and beautifully well done.
The latest trailer for the highly anticipated stealth,...
"When the time comes, you've gotta run and don't look back."
After teasing us with crimson red pictures, only to then officially reveal Red Redemption...
Rockstar has all but confirmed a new Red Dead Redemption game thanks to their cryptic images.
Last night Rockstar Games, the company behind the iconic Grand...
The game was presented at New York Comic-Con, despite no official announcement from publisher Bandai Namco!
A new Power Rangers game is coming out mid-January...
From the video game screen to the big screen, Firewatch is getting a film.
The Firewatch developers at Campo Santo have recently revealed via The Hollywood Reporter...