The best news in one place


New Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor Trailer Unveiled

Amidst the flurry of the San Diego Comic Con, Monolith and Warner Bros. unveiled a new trailer for their upcoming release, Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor....

Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor Release Date Moved Up

There is a lot of speculation and conversation happening around Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor. Some fans of LotR are excited to immerse themselves into...

Arkham Knight DLC Leaked

Batman: Arkham Knight, the highly anticipated final chapter to the Batman: Arkham video game series won't be released to gamers until 2015, but some of game's pre-order...

Incoming: Guardians of the Galaxy Disney Infinity Playset

Because why wouldn't this happen? The Guardians of the Galaxy are getting their own Disney Infinity: 2.0 Edition playset which will consist of Star-Lord, Groot,...

Rumor: Next Gen GTA V Releases November 17

We know that we're getting a next-gen version of Grand Theft Auto V (confirmed at E3 this year); what we didn't know was when...

The Elder Scrolls Online Now Available Through Steam

Amidst the buzz of Quakecon 2014, Steam is now offering both the Standard and Imperial Editions of ESO at 50% and 40% discounts respectively....

Indie Game Spotlight: Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery EP

The game is presented as a social "test" which puts players in the boots of a Scythian in a foreign, somewhat unfriendly land. The story...

Assassin’s Creed: More Info Coming “Soon”

When the title of the new (and supposedly final) Assassin’s Creed game was leaked during the announcement of Assassin’s Creed Unity, the community was...

Battlefield 4 Hosts “Battlefest”

Battlefield 4's summer promo, Battlefest, can earn you double XP and some other cool prizes by completing community challenges and daily contests. Today marks...

Indie Game Spotlight: Papers, Please

After 6 years of being at war, Arstotzka has finally re-opened its borders and players are charged with the task of analyzing those coming...

Project Spark Set For October Release

Mark your calendars, ladies and gentlemen, the game that lets you create other games has gotten an official release date. Project Spark Starter Pack...

Battlefield Hardline Beta’s Mind-Blowing Statistics

Soooooo, EA's Battlefield Hardline had a pretty successful beta this past month. Let's take a look-see at the numbers. Source Holy shit, you guys. $9 trillion...

Titanfall’s Second DLC Map Pack Revealed

Respawn Entertainment felt like you needed more maps for your giant robots, so they gave you more maps for your giant robots. Titanfall has...

Let your ‘Murica show with the new GTA Online Add On

It's 4th of July in Los Santos, too, people. Rockstar released the GTA Online Independence Day Special earlier this week and it's dripping with all...

Rob’s Top 5 Most American Video Game Characters

Happy birthday, America. Amidst all the fireworks and hot dog eating contests, Geek Outpost pays tribute to the most American video game characters of...

Revisit Aperture Science Labs in “Conversion”

Portal and Portal 2 are among some of our most favorite of games; addictive, simple, hilarious, and endlessly entertaining. Rumors have long been suggesting...

A Legend of Korra Game is in Development

The popular anime show from Nickelodeon is coming to consoles in the form of a third-person fighting game thanks to Platinum Games, the guys...

This Week in the Steam Summer Sale

The Steam Summer Sale is upon us, the time of year where you'll, most likely, end up buying games you already own. For those...

Grand Theft Auto 5 on PS4 & Xbox One

When Rockstar announced that Grand Theft Auto 5 would be coming to the PS4 and Xbox One, everyone was excited. However, many of that bunch, myself...

Indie Game Spotlight: Project Spark

Players who have a passion for creating as well as playing, meet Project Spark. Well, meet the Project Spark Beta at least. This new...