
The best news in one place


Dragon Ball Z takes over Pokemon Fire Red in an amazing Rom Hack!

The creativity of ROM hackers is truly astounding!   Taking two of the most beloved anime franchises in history and putting them together into a video...

Pokemon GO Latest Screenshots Show Battles in Action

Is that a monster in your pocket? The Pokemon Go beta is now open in the US and several screenshots have been released showing off...

You Can Now Sign Up for the ‘Pokemon GO’ Beta Program (US)

This will be one step closer to having Pokemon trainers' dreams come true! Earlier this week, the Pokemon GO development team posted on their website...

‘Disney Infinity’ Game Cancelled, Hundreds of Jobs Lost

After just three years, Disney Infinity is on its way out.  Disney recently announced that Disney Infinity - the fan-favourite action-adventure sandbox game, which included...

‘Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon’ Starters Revealed!

At this rate, our Pokedex will never be complete, and that is totally cool with us!   The latest installment in the Pokemon franchise adds a...

Star Wars Day celebrations sees gaming discounts, Shadows of the Empire returns!

Mid 90s video game graphics? Frustrating controls? I'm sold! Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire certainly isn't the best Star Wars game ever released and you...

‘Mighty No. 9’ is locked down to release this June

After nearly 3 years of waiting, Mighty No. 9 is ready to hit consoles and PCs come June 24th. After several setback and delays Keiji Inafune, the...

Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow on 3DS Reach 1.5 Million in Downloads

More than half of the 1.5 million downloads came from America alone. Back in February 27th of this year Nintendo announced that they would be...

Nintendo NX Coming March 2017, ‘Legend of Zelda’ Wii U Delayed

At least Pokémon is coming this year.  Early this morning, Nintendo released their annual fiscal earnings, and with it, news about their upcoming console and...

‘Ocarina of Time’ Gets Remade in Unreal Engine 4, and it Looks Incredible

HD Gerudo Valley is stunning.  Nintendo has given us HD remasters of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess for Wii U,...

Get Your Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres with Special Hidden Abilities

The original legendary trio are back! The Pokemon Company is continuing its 20 year anniversary celebration by giving out the original legendary trio of birds....

Recent ‘Nintendo NX’ Controller Leak was a Hoax

Sorry Nintendo fans, the Nintendo NX remains shrouded in mystery. While the majority of the internet has been freaking out about Sony's announcement to release...

‘Scribblenauts’ iOS Game Cancelled, Studio Lays Off 45 Employees

Company Chief: This studio isn't shutting down! Earlier this week, Scribblenauts developer 5th Cell cancelled Scribblenauts: Fighting Words, followed by canning 45 employees. CEO Jeremiah Slaczka gave...

Pokémon Creative Director Killed in Storm Accident

May he rest in peace...  Earlier this week a large windstorm accident hit Seattle, a tree was knocked down, falling and crushing Eric Medalle while...

Pokémon Red, Blue, Yellow Break Nintendo eShop Sales Records

Lots of Pokéfans are once more trying to catch 'em all. It looks like Trainers were itching to go back to Kanto, as the rereleases...

Super Nintendo Games Coming to the New 3DS Virtual Console

In a few weeks, you'll be able to play Earthbound on the go.  During today's Nintendo Direct, it was revealed that classic Super Nintendo games...

3DS Rereleases of Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow will be Pokémon Bank Compatible

If only we had this 16 years ago...sigh... While today's Pokémon-themed Nintendo Direct may have only been a few minutes long, it had two huge...

Confirmed: ‘Pokémon Sun’ and ‘Pokémon Moon’ Coming This Year for the 3DS

Get ready Trainers.  Despite being leaked yesterday, it was officially confirmed today during the Pokémon-themed Nintendo Direct that two brand new titles called Pokémon Sun and...

‘Pokemon Sun’ & ‘Pokemon Moon’ Titles and Merchandise Have Been Trademarked

Solrock and Lunatone better be the mascots. Just a day before the upcoming Pokémon-themed Nintendo Direct, it looks like the presentation’s big announcement may have...

Mega Man comes to 3DS in ‘Legacy Collection’ with Golden Amiibo

The Mega Man Legacy Collection is coming to the 3DS which is great news.....if you live in Europe. Last year the Mega Man Legacy Collection...