He’ll probably be back in Infinity War though. Along with literally everyone else.
There are a lot of characters in Captain America: Civil War, and it’s almost a miracle the film worked as well as it did balancing everyone.
However, there were a few notable absences; like Hulk, Thor, Maria Hill, Pepper Potts, and of course, Nick Fury.
While the former S.H.E.I.L.D. Director had a prominent role in The Winter Soldier, he was nowhere to be seen in the new film, nor was he mentioned.
Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, the screenwriters of Civil War, as well as the upcoming third and fourth Avengers films, explained to the LA Times that Fury’s absence wasn’t due to Samuel L. Jackson being unavailable during filming, or not wanting to be in it, but rather his character’s allegiance and status is too ambiguous for the film’s story.
“We called him, but he let the line blink,” Markus explained. “Primarily it felt like one too many possible opinions. We didn’t want him to take one side or the other, because that’s not his place in the universe. And then we didn’t want another, “Is he still with the government? Is he opposed to the government but supporting the government?” It got to be the potential for a lot more polemic discussion that the movie did not have room for.”
Markus continued:
“He’s the guy who put it together. He’s been the sort of parent figure to the Avengers. Let the parent go away, and see if the kids can handle this. See if the kids can be who they’re supposed to be without that governing voice. Um… and they didn’t do that good of a job.”
Having Fury step back while his “kids” fight makes sense, but when will we see him again?
When asked if Fury will appear in Avengers: Infinity War, McFeely said, “I would think so.”
“It’s probably all hands on deck,” added Markus.
It’s pretty clear that the Phase Three Avengers films are the culmination of what the MCU has been building towards for since its inception, meaning Thanos is finally going to get off that chair and do something, so we’re glad that Fury, the man who started it all, will probably be involved in some way.
Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 hits theaters on May 4, 2018, and Part II on May 3, 2019.