Terminator-Themed Content Likely Coming to Fortnite

Perhaps a Sarah Connor skin will be released as well?



The latest season of Fortnite has been a massive crossover event featuring characters from a variety of video games, television series, and films. The most recent addition to the game has been the Predator but with one Arnold Schwarzenegger-related character in the game why not add another?

Fornite’s Twitter account recently released a transmission narrated by Jonesy with him meeting a female hero who has experience in dealing with “impending global doom, time travel, paradoxes, and a ruthless machine and a protector of the future.” You can watch the transmission below.

The transmission likely points towards the Terminator, Sarah Connor and more dropping into Fortnite within the next week or so. Furthermore, a Twitter account well known for revealing skin leaks posted the photo below.

Which television/movie/video game character would you like to see in Fornite next? Let us know in the comments below or on Twitter!

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In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move.

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TV 14 [as] Saturdays at 12a ET