Stranger Things Season 4 Confirmed to Not Be Final Season

The show's creators have confirmed that Season 4 will not be the end.



While Netflix’s smash-hit original series from creators and brothers Matt and Ross Duffer is set to get its fourth season sometime presumably next year, we now know for certain that we will be getting at least five seasons before we have to say goodbye. 

Earlier this week, THR debuted an interview with both the Duffer Bros, where it was specifically asked whether or not Season 4 would be the final season of the show. Ross took to fielding this question to which he stated: 

“Season four won’t be the end. We know what the end is, and we know when it is. [The pandemic] has given us time to look ahead, figure out what is best for the show. Starting to fill that out gave us a better idea of how long we need to tell that story.”

This should put a smile on the faces of Stranger Things fans, considering we are guaranteed at least one more season after the fourth. But will Season 5 be the final season where we will say our farewells to Hopper, Will, El, and the rest? We don’t really care about Nancy. 

Season 4 halted production in March due to COVID related reasons, which pushed back the release date to what is now an unknown time, presumably late 2021. Some rumors were circulating around that perhaps we are looking at summer 2021, but with COVID still out of control presently, that season may not be the actual release period after all. 

Season 3 debuted on July 4th last year with 8 total episodes that ended on a cliffhanger, as you do, but you won’t get any spoilers from us. For now, we just hope that the cast and crew aren’t suffering too much in putting the next season together with so many jobs and projects being put on hold for the time being. Be safe out there, we can wait patiently. 

For the full THR interview, click here

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Marc is the Editor in Chief for Geek Outpost. If you have an inside scoop you want to share, you can email him at [email protected]. He prefers Crocs for their style over their comfort.

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