‘Spectre’ Heineken Ad is A Throwback To Older Bond Films



What looks to be a potential scene for the movie Spectre gives Heineken a nice entrance!

[dropcap size=small]W[/dropcap]hat started off as a James Bond (played by Daniel Craig) running away from the bad guys turned into something else chasing him: Heineken beer.

In this 90-second ad, Bond is involved in a boat-chase scene, which looks like footage from Spectre, and a bunch of crazy-ad scenes that involve a girl, whose waterskiing experience turned her into a reluctant beer server, a wedding, and Heineken.  I’m sure you know how it will end, but you can see for yourself in the video below.

Yes, it’s cheesy and none of this would ever happen in real life (for your safety, don’t attempt to duplicate the act), but it also gives us a glimpse of a scene from the upcoming Spectre movie and a reminder of another movie that had a boat chase in it: Live and Let Die. In this movie, James Bond is played by Roger Moore, who starred as Bond in the seven films released between 1973 and 1985. Check out the boat chase from Live and Let Die down below.

Spectre will be released to theaters on November 6th!


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