Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind has been out for a few months now, and after a lukewarm critical response, the team behind the game is working hard at pushing throw to improve the game as much as possible based on requests from the fans that are supporting this humble little studio. And now it seems we are getting a handful of solid features to bring the game to the next level.
For starters, Digital Eclipsed announced that they will be allowing players to enhance their preferred Rangers with custom stats in Strength, Defense, and Speed. While their initial philosophy was to enable all Rangers to feel solid from the jump, fans were disappointed that they all felt identical when playing and really wanted more diversity in their Ranger of choice. And we could not agree more. But upgrading Rangers is only the beginning.
The dev team announced a handful of other useful features including combat modifiers called ‘Morphers’ which allow players to choose increased difficulty, tougher enemies, and “Maximum Enemies” to overwhelm your Rangers. These are just a few that you can choose from to really customize how you want to play Rita’s Rewind going forward.

Other enhancements coming to the game are things like new abilities like a ‘Power Blast’ to knock back enemies and quick recovery. All of these features follow the December update that saw major improvements to the game aimed at enhancing the feel of the Rangers, particularly movement speed. Other updates coming are more on the technical side with things like remapping controls, and online gameplay.
When the game released a few months back, we picked it up and played through the entire game in one sitting. We were impressed with the artwork and the nostalgia but… not much else. We ended up giving the game a 4/10 which is not good at all. With week gameplay, no difference between Rangers (aside from color), and a boring gameplay loop, we had no interest in playing it through a second time. However, developer Digital Eclipse has done a great job implementing requested features and listening to player feedback, meaning we may revisit the game again, especially with online play around the corner.
You can read the entire blog post from Digital Eclipse here to see a further breakdown of all upcoming changes and feature additions.