No new Bioshock content, but how about a re-release….?
For the now third time, there have been subtle hints dropped all around the world for Bioshock’s return to the next gen consoles. Most recently, Bioshock: The Collection has been rated for Xbox One by a Taiwanese regulation board. This was caught by a twitter user, who posted a link to the listing.
Now the two other hints were dropped in Septem ber 2015 by a South African retailer, Raru, and then after that the Brazil Advisory Rating Board published a listing for Bioshock: The Collection.
Now with the new developers for the game, 2k Marin, there is no plan for new Bioshock content. There is still no official word on this but its believed to be a re-release featuring all 3 of the Bioshock games, and all of their DLC content as well.
With no official word on the future of this series, keep an eye out for the next chance players will get to jump back into the Bioshock universe.