The official working title for the latest predator film is as strange as it gets.
[dropcap size=small]T[/dropcap]he original Predator‘s official working titles were Primevil, Hunter and Alien Hunter which are relatively similar to film’s actual title. However, the latest Predator film’s official working title is not only odd but it seems to be completely unrelated to the basis of what the film is about. According to the guys over at Comic Book, director Shane Black has named the official working title Ollie.
Shane Black has not hesitated to let the media know that he dislikes what his creation has turned into because “the Predator has been so overdone.” In all honesty, you can’t blame the man for feeling disgusted with what Hollywood has done to his prized creation. When the very first Predator film was released back in 1987 the highly advanced hunter spent less time on the screen and kept the audience captivated because they wanted to see who this mysterious alien creature was. Since then, the Predator has received even more screen time to the point where audience members lose the sense of suspense.
It is possible that Shane Black hopes to bring back that feeling of suspense by hiding as much as he can about the film as possible. The original Predator kept audience members on the edge of their seats, always wondering who was going to be assassinated next and what the alien looked like. One thing is certain however, regardless of what Ollie actually means the next Predator film is going to be much better than the previous films.