Moltres Joins Pokemon GO



Just like Articuno, Moltres will only be available for this week!

[dropcap size=small]A[/dropcap]fter the aftermath that occurred in Chicago, Niantic released the Legendary Birds (original three and Lugia) to the world of Pokemon GO.

Niantic released them based on the standings of the Window Catch challenge that everyone around the world could participate in. Since Team Mystic won the challenge, Articuno was the first bird to be released. Articuno was available up until July 31st. Team Valor placed second in the Catch Window Challenge, so Moltres is up next!

Moltres has a significantly higher CP than Articuno at 41,953, but the game has plenty of opportunities to get at least a few powerful water Pokemon. If you have Rock-types, use those as well for Moltres raids. Golem and Tyranitar are best utilized if their charge attacks are Stone Edge. You can also use Omastar, as it’s a rock-water type. Vaporeon and Gyarados are popular water-types to use for the Moltres raids, if they know Hydro Pump.

If you are having trouble finding Raids or live too far from gyms, consider using Gymhuntr. This site allows you to type any city zipcode to find out what gyms have raids and what team controls that gym. But it won’t help you gather people to face Moltres, so be sure to also have a committed group of people to consistently take down Moltres.

Moltres (as well as the other birds) start out a 3% catch rate. But if you use a Golden Razz Berry, the catch percentage increases. When catching Moltres, I found it easier to just throw the ball, as opposed to spinning the ball just for a few extra XP points. If you haven’t caught Moltres yet, you have until Monday to catch the Legendary Bird (or more if you want more candies.)


Be sure to get out there and catch Moltres before he’s gone! Next week, Zapdos will be released to the Pokemon World!


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