Hail Hydra?
It looks like the Marvel universe’s most courageous and patriotic character isn’t the hero everyone thinks he is.
In first issue of the new series Captain America: Steve Rogers, it was revealed that Captain America is actually a double agent for Hydra, and always has been.
In a series of flashbacks, the issue shows that Rogers’ mother, Sarah, was enticed by the evil former Nazi organization at a young age, and it is suggested that her son followed in her footsteps. The issue culminates in Captain America throwing long time comrade Jack Flag out of an airplane and uttering the iconic phrase.
Apparently this twist has been in the works for a while. In an interview with TIME, Marvel executive editor Tom Brevoort explained that this reveal was in development since 2014, when Sam Wilson (aka Falcon) took up the mantle of Captain America, as Rogers was rapidly aging due to the super solider serum deteriorating in his body (yeah, comics are weird).
Anyway, Rogers is young again, and he’s shake things up in the Marvel Comics universe.
“The most trusted hero in the Marvel universe is now secretly a deep-cover Hydra operative, a fact that’s really only known to the readers and to him,” says Brevoort. “That makes every interaction he has with anyone take on a second layer, a second meaning.”
Rarely do we see comics covered in the news, but this reveal is taking the world by storm. Perhaps it’s due to Civil War still being fresh in our heads, but lots of people are talking about this twist, including Cap himself, Chris Evans.
Hydra?!?!? #sayitaintso
— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) May 26, 2016
Fans are embracing the news in their own ways, including some pretty awesome artwork imaging Evans in costume as a Hydra agent.
But anyway, here’s the big question: Is this just a gimmick?
Comics are notorious for doing all sorts of wacky things in pursuit of new readers (like temporarily killing off a hero, or relaunching a series), so is Rogers being involved with Hydra just a contrived ruse?
“To say it’s a gimmick implies that it’s done heedlessly just to shock,” explains Brevoort. “The proof is always going to be in the execution. So you’ll have to read the rest of the story to see.”
We wouldn’t be surprised in the least bit if Rogers is actually a triple agent or something goofy like that, but we will indeed have to read the rest of the story to find out.
Captain America: Steve Rogers No. 1 is available now.