Marvel Announces the Return of Wolverine and a Controversial New Hulk



Axel Alonso, Editor-in-Chief for Marvel, says the new Hulk will be “unlike any Hulk you’ve seen before”.

[dropcap size=small]L[/dropcap]ast night Marvel released some exciting news. They announced that they are planning on rebooting all their titles to Issue #1 after Secret Wars is over. In addition to this announcement, Marvel teased that Wolverine will be returning to the Marvel Universe. Not only that, but the Hulk is expected to have an exciting transformation.


Marvel‘s Editor-in-Chief, Axel Alonso, seems to hold all the secrets to what Marvel plans on doing next. Piecing together what Axel has said in several interviews with multiple media outlets we are able to get an idea of what Marvel has in store for us. Overall, it seems like the direction that Marvel is heading in will cause quite a lot of noise and controversy. Compiled below are Axel’s comments.

In an interview with Mashable, Axel teased, “The all-new Hulk … this character is certain to cause debate. The same people who went crazy with female Thor will have a field day with this one.” Axel went on to confirm the return of Wolverine, but he held back from confirming if it would be the same James “Logan” Howlett that fans have grown to adore. Axel said, “Wolverine will return to the Marvel Universe (again, this will be something big). Who is Wolverine? You’ll have to read and find out.”

Axel offered a similar Wolverine tease to the New York Post, saying, “Wolverine is going to return to the Marvel Universe — sort of. I fully expect that people’s blood will be boiling and excited in equal measure. Whether that’s a resurrected Logan or someone new…when people see the silhouette of the character, they’re going to freak out.” Furthermore, Axel said, “An all-new Hulk unlike any Hulk you’ve seen before. It’s so much fun and it makes so much story sense that this Hulk will exist. It will raise questions for long-term fans about Bruce Banner (the Green Giant’s alter ego).”

In an interview with Fast Company, Axel hinted that this Hulk will not be Bruce Banner, although Banner will still exist.

In an interview with EW, Axel said, “I’ll go ahead and tell you the Marvel Universe is about to see the arrival of an All-New Hulk—not a Hulk that you’ve seen before. And this development is deeply rooted in story. I am personally excited about it and its ramifications and it’s a fascinating story that I think Bruce Banner fans will definitely want to read.”

In an interview with Wall Street Journal, Axel teased, “In the fall, the Marvel universe will see the arrival of an all-new Hulk, a Hulk you’ve never seen before that’s sure to be exciting and controversial. It’s going to be water-cooler talk.”

In an interview with USA Today, Axel said that Marvel would introduce an “Incredible Hulk like no fan has ever seen before. That’s certain to be a topic of conversation. All the same people who yelled about female Thor are going to do the same thing about this Hulk. They’re going to read the story and go, ‘Oh God, they’re on to something!'”

Judging from Axel’s comments, it would seem that Marvel is perfectly okay with upsetting some of its fans. Maybe even excited to do so as well?

Regardless, it seems that the Marvel Universe will never be the same after the introduction of the new Hulk and the return of Wolverine, whoever that may be.


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In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move.

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