Elder Scrolls Online ‘Orsinium’ DLC Trailer and Details Revealed



The DLC pack will take you deep into the land of Orcs within the mountains of Wrothgar!

[dropcap size=small]O[/dropcap]rsinium was once the great capital-city in the land of Orcs. Now, it sits in ruin and King Kurog, the current monarch of the Orcs, has sent his message throughout the world of Tamriel to warriors that will help him rebuild the city to it’s former glory. The work you put into helping the King will be a direct impact in the city being rebuilt

This is the biggest DLC pack that has come out since the release of Elder Scolls Online. You have a lot of options on what you want to do within this DLC, whether it’s exploring a new zone by yourself, play through the quests on the story mode, face the challenges inside the Maelstrom Arena, or get your friends together to explore and fight through public dungeons and world bosses, everyone will have something to do in Orsinium.

Below is the trailer and details for the new DLC pack:


The full Orsinium DLC game pack will be included with an active ESO Plus™ membership. If you are not an ESO Plus™ member, or your membership lapses, the Orsinium DLC game pack will cost 3,000 crowns in the ESOTUCrown Store.

There’s also have an Orsinium DLC Collector’s Bundle available in the Crown Store for 5,000 crowns that includes theOrsinium DLC game pack, the Cave Bear Mount, the Cave Bear Cub, and five Crown Experience Scrolls.

To find DLC game packs in the Crown Store, simply press the “,” key or click on the crown icon on your menu shortcut bar, and navigate to the “DLC” section. For how to buy DLC game packs on Xbox One and PlayStation®4, please see this article.


With the purchase of the Orsinium DLC game pack, you get access to the full city of Orsinium and zone of Wrothgar. That includes the following:

  • Over 20 hours of captivating story content and quests
  • A long-awaited exploration of the culture of Tamriel’s Orcs
  • A colossal new zone available to characters of all levels
  • A new single-player progressive challenge, The Maelstrom Arena
    • Available in Normal and Veteran versions
    • Grants special rewards only obtainable by completing arenas
    • Includes class-specific leaderboards, so you can see how you match up against your fellow combatants
  • Quests and objectives that contribute to rebuilding the city of Orsinium, returning it to its former glory
  • Two large public dungeons, Old Orsinium and Rkindaleft, featuring all-new challenges for both solo and group play
  • Special harvest nodes that scale to the most advanced material type your character can use for crafting
  • Six all-new, challenging world bosses
  • Powerful new gear, unique crafting styles, and other rewards inspired by the history and denizens of Wrothgar
    • Four new Provisioner recipes, only available in Wrothgar
    • 18 powerful new item sets including 6 ability-altering weapons, 9 sets obtained by participating in activities in Wrothgar, and 3 new craftable sets
    • The Ancient Orc crafting style
    • Six new collectible costumes only available in Wrothgar
  • Over an hour of brand new in-game musical score


In addition to the Orsinium DLC game pack launch, everyone who owns The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimitedwill receive the base-game patch at no cost. The Orsinium base-game patch includes gamepad support for PC, subtitles for all platforms, shield dyeing, improvements to battle-leveling, fixes and improvements to existing game systems and content, and more! Here are some of the highlights:

  • Gamepad support
  • Subtitles
  • LFG improvements – cross-alliance dungeons
  • Champion Point cap & catch-up system
  • Shield Dyeing
  • Improvements to battle-leveling
  • Akaviri crafting style
  • Ability balance and bug fixes
  • New ways to spend Alliance Points
  • Increased item drop rates
  • …and more!


For those of you joining us on the ESOTU PTS, you can get to the city of Orsinium and zone of Wrothgar in a few simple steps.


If you plan to use a pre-made template character on the PTS, you’ll want to choose the Orsinium-specific ones.

1. While on the character creation screen, click on the drop-down in the upper-left corner of your screen.

2. Select one of the six Orsinium character templates—there are two for each alliance: one that is VR14, and one that is level 35.

3. When you enter the game, you will be in the Daggerfall, Davon’s Watch, or Vulkhel Guard, depending on your alliance. You will be approached by an Orc messenger who will deliver a letter to you from Forge-Mother Alga.

4. Finish speaking to the Orc messenger to begin the “Invitation to Orsinium” quest.

5. Seek out Ambassador Lazgara in Daggerfall, Davon’s Watch, or Vulkhel Guard. Talk to her to progress the Wrothgar questline and travel to the Merchant’s Gate in Wrothgar.


1. First, create a character on the ESOTU PTS and purchase the Orsinium DLC game pack from the Crown Store. (Both template characters and those copied over from the live megaservers will have enough crowns to buy the DLC game pack.)

2. After you purchase the Orsinium DLC game pack, travel to Daggerfall, Davon’s Watch, or Vulkhel Guard, depending on your alliance. You will be approached by an Orc messenger who will deliver a letter to you from Forge-Mother Alga.

3. Finish speaking to the Orc messenger to begin the “Invitation to Orsinium” quest.

4. Seek out Ambassador Lazgara in Daggerfall, Davon’s Watch, or Vulkhel Guard. Talk to her to progress the Wrothgar questline and travel to the Merchant’s Gate in Wrothgar.


After you purchase the Orsinium DLC game pack, there are a few other paths to Wrothgar. They include the gates in the neighboring territories of Stormhaven and Bangkorai, and you can also use the Wayshrine network to fast travel to Wrothgar and Orsinium.


Orsinium DLC pack will be released on PC/Mac on November 2nd, followed by the Xbox One on November 17th and Playstation 4 on November 18th!

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