Indie Developer “Demakes” Dead Space into Playable 1990s PlayStation One-Era Game

If you ever wondered what Dead Space may have looked like on the original PlayStation...



You have played the original Dead Space (2008) and you have played the remake in Dead Space (2023), now its time to turn back the clock and play what Australian independent developer Fraser Brumley calls the Dead Space Demake.

Take a look:

As you can plainly see in the gameplay snippet above, Brumley has re-imagined Dead Space to a 1990s PlayStation title, with spectacular accuracy and results. The Demake, which you can download directly from Brumley’s page here, was initially just a fun project that Brumley took on as a way to learn the ins and outs of Unreal Engine.

The final product of Brumley’s efforts turned out incredibly well, and retain a lot of what made original PS1 survival-horror titles thrilling while also feeling faithful to 2008’s Dead Space and its 2023 remake. But sadly, this isn’t the entire game, as that would have taken Brumley ages to develop on his own. Still, despite its short demo, it looks exactly what you would expect from a game that released in 1998. You can take a look for yourself at some other screenshots below:

The Demake is available for download now but you may want to act fast as fan-made projects like this are often subject to take-downs at the publisher’s legal team’s request. And while the Demake is just a fun little piece of the much larger Dead Space experience, it is still a fun and intense way to hold yourself over until EA and Motive get around to releasing a Dead Space 2 remake some day.

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