‘Captain America: Civil War’ is the Longest Marvel Movie Yet



You’ll be at war with your bowels if you don’t go to the bathroom before this movie starts. 

The runtime for the upcoming Captain America: Civil War has been revealed, with AMC Theaters showing that the film will be two hours and 27 minutes. 

At nearly two and half hours long, Civil War will be the longest MCU film, and Marvel movie in general, to date. 

In comparison, the last Captain America film, The Winter Solider, was two hours and 16 minutes, Avengers: Age of Ultron, the now second longest Marvel film, was two hours and  21 minutes, and the rival DC film, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is 2 hours and 31 minutes

With appearances from nearly every major MCU character, including cameos from Black Panther and Spider-Man, we always imagined this film would have a hefty length, and we hope nothing too significant was cut for time, as was the case for Age of Ultron. 

Needless to say, we’re excited for the film, and I don’t think we’d really care if was three hours long. 

Captain America: Civil War hits theaters on May 6. 


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