FANT4STIC Sequel Still on the Table



So you’re saying there’s still a chance?

[dropcap size=small]W[/dropcap]ell there’s good news for fans of the Fantastic Four. The writer and producer of the FANT4STIC, Simon Kelberg, recently had a interview with Collider about the future of Fox’s Fantastic Four franchise and the sequel to the film.

While he wasn’t exactly positive about a sequel he was not closing the door on it.

“I have no idea. I think the truth is we would not make another Fantastic Four movie until it was ready to be made. One of the lessons we learned on that movie is that we want to make sure we get it 100% right, because we will not get another chance with the fans.”

Kelberg also discussed if an uncut director’s version of FANT4STIC will be released. There had been a lot of talk that the film was heavily edited and influenced by the studio and did not reflect how Josh Trank, the director of the film, originally shot the film.

“I don’t know the answer to that in terms of whether or not fans will ever see it. I think B-roll is probably the place where they will see it. And for us, it’s in the past in the sense of lessons learned and we would love to make another Fantastic Four movie.”

Another topic that was discussed was the cast of the film and their future with the franchise.

“We really believe in that cast, and I think the lessons that we learned would help us make a more consistent movie than we did the first time.”

With the future of the franchise up in the air it will be interesting to see what happens with the Fantastic Four!


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